Faites cuire les travers de bœuf avec l’eau et les tranches de gingembre dans une grande casserole.
Portez à ébullition. Après ébullition, portez à frémissement à feu doux pendant 30 minutes, en remuant de temps en temps pour éliminer les grumeaux et la mousse.
Préparez les carottes et les pommes :
AccueilSoupe de côtes de bœuf aux pommes et aux carottes
Soupe de côtes de bœuf aux pommes et aux carottes
Add the apple and carrots that have been cut. Simmer, covered, for 1.5–2 hours, or until meat is tender and flavors have combined wonderfully.
Time of year:
In the last ten minutes of cooking, season with salt to taste. Vary according to personal choice.
Before serving, ladle the soup into bowls and top with sliced scallions. Serve over hot rice or eat on its own!
The Reasons Behind Its Success:
Carrots provide a natural earthiness and apples a delicate sweetness that harmonize with the savory richness of the beef ribs. The fragrant and warm ginger brings it all together.
Different kinds:
Vegetable Substitution: For a change of texture, try adding potatoes or daikon radish.
Add Some Flavor: White pepper or star anise, just a sprinkle, would do the trick.
To make a broth that is richer and filled with collagen, simmer it for a longer period of time, up to three hours.
Your loved ones have excellent taste! If you ever need additional recipes, I’m always happy to hear about your culinary triumphs. So happy you’re cooking! 😊🍲